Journal Articles:ambidexterity

  • O'Reilly, Charles, and Michael Tushman. "Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present and future." The Academy of Management Perspectives (2013): amp-2013.
"Our hope is that he future research on organizational ambidexterity will stay focused on the problem March identified and avoid devolving into a catch-all phrase applied to a smorgasbord of organizational topics (p. 20)."

  • Uotila, Juha, et al. "Exploration, exploitation, and financial performance: analysis of S&P 500 corporations." Strategic Management Journal 30.2 (2009): 221-231.
"To test our hypotheses, we collected data covering the years 1989-2004 for 279 manufacturing firms in the 1989 Standard & Poor's 500 index(p. 223)." 
"around 80 percent of companies we studied engaged in exploration at levels below the optimum in our sample (p.228)."

  • Zahra, Shaker A. "The virtuous cycle of discovery and creation of entrepreneurial opportunities." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2.3 (2008): 243-257.

  • Geerts, Annelies, F. L. O. O. R. T. J. E. BLINDENBACH-DRIESSEN, and PAUL GEMMEL. "ACHIEVING A BALANCE BETWEEN EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION IN SERVICE FIRMS: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY." Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2010. No. 1. Academy of Management, 2010.
"Our empirical findings show that manufacturing firms rather pursue ambidexterity, while service firms more often choose for punctuated equilibrium. However, growth does not explain why the punctuated equilibrium mechanism is preferred by the service sector."
"we found evidence that service firms seem to mainly exploitative innovation activities, whereby creating value for the customers and improving efficiency in the service delivery is most important."